Domain flipping is never an easy business. It always requires smartness, either you are buying or selling them. I have seen many questions unanswered in forums like how to sell domains through Facebook ads, How to sell domains via Google adwords ads. So, I thought of giving it a try. The below case study is on domain flipping, which worked for me.
Is listing on portals enough to make a domain sale?
We know that listing domains on portals like Flippa, Namejet, Sedo, Namepros etc are not enough to make a sale. We need some extra mile efforts to sell domains. So, here I am sharing my experience of Domain flipping case study with facebook ads.
Domain flipping case study- How I sold of $2111 domains with Fb ads?
Billions of people use Facebook to connect with other people and use this as a platform to buy and sell their products too. When you run Facebook Ads, you get to select the type of audience based on their age, gender location etc. With Facebook ads, you target in on the type of people you want to reach out to and Facebook delivers your adverts to them.
This increases the relevancy of your ads and brings you good results. Ads on Facebook is very simple and easy for all. From Facebook Ads, people can get to know your shops location, get your app, see your videos and take other action on your website.
I tried many Facebook Placements ads and made 2 Sales which was worth $2111, the domain and other marketing budget costs me $300 only. So, I earn a profit of $1811 in two months by flipping 2 domain auctions on Flippa. The credit goes to Facebook ads which I used to get messages from buyers on my ads.
I run a ad on mobile devices, redirecting traffic to my domain names from Fb pages and finally able to get 2 sales but again Facebook ads are tricky, it is very tough to get a positive ROI from facebook ads.
With Facebook ads:
You can control, the type of audience and budget you choose.
They optimize these adverts to reach people more likely to take some action.You can edit your budget or stop them at any time.
Domain Flipping Case Study with Facebook ads Story
Once a friend of mine was interested in flipping domains but he did not know how to do it or which is best place for it. Someone from his circle suggested him to take help of Facebook ads for domain flipping. He asked me, have you tried Domain flipping with facebook ads? So, finally I convinced myself to give it a trial.
When you run an ad, you’re taking part in their ad auction. So, this post would help domainers to know, how potential Facebook ads is for flipping names. This case study would surely help them.
You’ll choose a budget for your ads, which is the total amount you want to spend. Then you need to choose a bid, the amount you are willing to pay to have customers see your ads and click on it to buy what you want them to.
If you run an ad to increase the view of your product, they will serve your ads to people who are more likely to visit your website. All these suggestions helped you to start domain flipping ads on Facebook.
It’s about ads and targeting audience that matters. In no time, you will receive good offers for flipping your domains and earned around ten times, the money for which you had bought the domain. Thus, Facebook ads provide a great platform to your products so that they can reach the right audience and so that the seller may be able to get the right price for his products.
You even get to choose your own budget and it is one of the best ways to reach out to your potential customers. Thus, I used this social media platform to flip my domains for a good amount and was happy with it.
Today many people are using Facebook ads to promote and sell their products and it has become a popular means of buying and selling products. So, gone are the old methods of domain flipping and here comes the new generation way of doing it with great ease and flexibility.
It is my suggestion to never waste money on Facebook ads for normal domains. you can share your Domain flipping experiences with Facebook ads in comments.
I hope you like article Domain Flipping Case study with Fb ads.