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Talentsnap TSC Token review- Automate the Hiring process with AI and Blockchain

Talentsnap TSC token review– Have you ever been in a hiring panel or an interview? Well, you must agree with me that the hiring process is always a rigorous, exhaustive and expensive process. At times even it might be inefficient once the wrong people get hired. Over the years we have seen little innovation in the hiring process in job boards and hiring desks. There is, therefore, a need to revolutionize the whole system to develop a more efficient, time saving and inexpensive process when it comes to hiring. Talentsnap has built a platform that automates the hiring process. 

Talentsnap token reviews
Let’s see how the platform works-

With the use of artificial intelligence technology, Talentsnap has a zero-knowledge proof technology that ensures that the hiring becomes more digitalized than ever before. Talentsnap is found on three pillars; these are blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and now the website platform. Let’s look at each one of them.

Blockchain Technology

Despite the security and efforts made in platforms such as linked, they are still vulnerable to attack from human threats. However, Talentsnap is working on a decentralized peer to peer platform which will be built on the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum blockchain will allow the data to be decentralized to various nodes in the hands of the users. This will in turn reduce the potential hazards of information lose and data failure due to centralized databases.

Blockchain technology will ensure that ownership and control of data remain solely in the hands of Talentsnap, this will allow candidates to share information and in turn get rewarded some Talentsnap tokens.

Etherium blockchain is seen as an advantage because it has more developers than other developers which ensure that ethereum remains scalable to its environment.

Artificial intelligence

The zero-knowledge proof will ensure that the process of hiring becomes automated for both the employee and the employer. With the AI models Talentsnap, as a potential employee, you will not have to send your data, Talentsnap will only send the AI model to you and you run your data on the model and you are done. After running your data on the model the potential employer now gets to have a look at your data to consider you for the hire.


The Talentsnap platform will be a platform where all the users meet together in search of people to hire or in search of people hiring. As this process happens all the users will get to be rewarded with Talentsnap tokens.

Let’s now take a look at Talentsnap tokens.

TCS tokens

Having in mind that getting to reward the users with Yen Euro’s or USD is not the solution Talentsnap has created Talentsnap TSC tokens. TSC tokens (Talentsnap tokens) will be acquired as the hiring process takes place. Talentsnap utility token will be used to improve the hiring process and the individuals or their companies. The utility token will provide a future access to the products that will be awarded by Talentsnap.

242 million TSC token supply is available for sale, You can buy or preorder about Talentsnap tokens from here- https://talentsnap.co/

Moreover, get access to the whitepaper from here- https://talentsnap.co/whitepaper.pdf

Talentsnap is surely the next global hiring system where everyone will be able to connect with each other and get the skills or the job one is looking for.

I hope you like reading Talentsnap TSC token review.

Bizshake BZS Token Review- P2P Sharing ecosystem on NEO Blockchain

Sharing renting or leasing property is quite difficult especially when it comes to people whom you actually don’t know or haven’t dealt with. This is usually because of the existence of fear and trust with people whom you are not aware of. In fact, not most companies are willing to venture into business which involves renting or sharing properties because they are aware of the risks that are available. Bizshakes comes to solve all problems in renting property. 

Bizshake token review

Bizshake BZS Token Review- P2P Sharing ecosystem on NEO blockchain

Bizshake platform is designed to change the whole concept of fear and mistrust in sharing and renting of property to unknown people. With Blockchain technology, Bizshake will help ensure that transactions are made to the trustworthy parties and also greatly reduce transfer fees.

Let’s see how it happens.
All lies in the Blockchain technology. By use of the Blockchain, all transactions will be recorded and it will be possible to tell what transactions a party has carried out. The records are very important since the new parties transacting will be able to know the credibility of each party transacting by a look at its previous records.

The Blockchain technology will also help in cutting all intermediaries in the renting of property and in the payment process. With all this, its evidently clear that the blockchain technology will increases transparency in the process and also reduce the costs required in transacting when renting or leasing.

Bizshake uses the NEO Blockchain. But why NEO Blockchain?

NEO Blockchain has several advantages over other smart contracts platforms.

For one, Neo is scalable in that it is capable of handling 1000 transactions per second. This is expected to increase to 100,000 transactions per second by the year 2020.

The second thing is algorithm used to execute the Blockchain generation. Neo uses the delegated byzantine Fault tolerance for the creation of new blocks for the Blockchain. With this algorithm there will be no need for mining.

One good thing about Bizshake is the AI algorithm. With the AI algorithm, the user’s credibility will be measured based on the transactions they have done. The artificial intelligence algorithm will calculate the level of user’s credibility which will not include government data and finance companies. This will overcome any issues to do with fraud and bad experiences with the first time users of the platform.

In addition to all this Bizshake has enabled peer-to-peer dialogue and asset verification and certification. Peer-to-peer dialogue is important since the users will agree and share their ideas concerning various users of the platform. This will practically create a community in the platform with the same interest and therefore boost the whole Bizshake concept.

Asset verification will be through a qualified certified user who will help a certain that the owner of a specific asset and therefore grant its authenticity to the rest of the Bizshake community.

In every business disputes are bound to arise, Bizshake has ensured that in case of such circumstances the arbiters in position will help determine what penalties to award to who and why. The arbiters will, on the other hand, earn a small fee for their decisions.

The concept of Tokenization will ensure that transactions will take place through Bizshake token which is powered by NEO Blockchain. In order to know about Bizshake BZS ICO or token, you need visit here- Bizshake website

The total supply of BZS token is 100 Million. You can also read the whitepaper from here- Bizshake whitepaper

With all this measures in place Bizshake is expected to be the future platform in the renting and leasing industry. I hope you like reading an article on Bizshake BZS token review.

Injii IAC token review- Online Streaming platform for social cause

Ever been in a situation that you need to raise some funds, be it for medical purposes or any other project? Well, what you may have noted is that you will still need money to raise the funds you require. However, with Injii you don’t need to use funds to raise funds. This article will give a review on Injii and give you a reason why you should consider using Injii for your live streams and charity works. So … let’s get to the nitty-gritty. 

What is Injii?

Injii is an existing media platform that exhibits an artist’s content to help advance charity and generate revenue. Injii reduces the cost that is required to raise funds by connecting charities with its content creators by use of an openly sourced broadcast to connect, interact and help the users to donate funds. 

Injii coin token

How does Injii work?

By use of an open broadcast, Injii offers a platform where all viewers from all over the world can watch an online broadcast together as it is in real time. With the common streaming platforms, content creators get paid because of the traffic they cause to the site and ad spots. However not at all times they get to be rewarded well for their content. Injii is quite different from the other sites. It works by rewarding its content creators with its injii Access Coin. 

Injii Access coin

Injii access coin is a digital token that integrated with the blockchain technology for rewarding the content creators in the Injii community. The coin is based on the ERC-223 Ethereum Network Complaint token. This is quite advantageous since it’s easier to use and has improved security features, unlike the ERC-20. Users get to earn the coin by just streaming the content casting a vote and referring the site to other viewers.

So, what’s the use of the IAC (Injii Acess Coin)?

As a user or a content creator, you will be able to redeem the coin by visiting the injii marketplace. The marketplace will be offering a wide variety of offers for the coins such as merchandise, sporting events, festivals and much more. On the other hand, the content creators will earn Injii Access coin as well as the Ad share revenue for their content on the platform. The content on the platform will be rated publicly by the notable streams as well as the votes casted. Quality is key since this is what will draw the users to view the content.

Get to earn Injii access coin by visiting here- injii coin website

Injii IAC token used in Charity

Injii values donation. And due to this, the platform doesn’t charge charities as they raise funds in the platform, something which is contrary with most live streaming platforms. Injii is built in such a way, that it can be used for charity through optional donations. This makes Injii a good example of platforms which are devoted to the social good and impacting positive changes in the lives of many. Injii also has partnered with many companies to facilitate the use of the AIC directly. Partnering directly with companies makes the coin even more useful for charity.

I hope you like reading on Injii IAC token review.

Wono Token Review-Sharing, rentals and earning environment powered by Blockchain

An amazing token is knocking our doors, it is known as Wono Token. The token is all about sharing what you have, In return get what you want. Yes, you heard right, Wono token is peer to peer decentralized platform where you can exchange properties and services

Wono Token Review-Exchanging and sharing services and properties

Wono is powered by Blockchain technology, it is peer to peer platform for the exchange of properties and other services, it is based on Ethereum network and interplanetary file system, users can directly interact with each other without any third party interference.

Why Wono Token is required?

It is offering a reliable environment for rentals, sharing and exchanges properties via to Wono tokens. It is Independent platform which acts as a bridge between real world and cryptocurrency world, where users can exchange assets, subscriptions, exchange gym memberships and rent out cars, real estate, and other so many services.

wono token review
Services which involve middleman and third-party interactions will be removed now. It eliminates the need for a middleman. It provides a new level of digital transparency where every transaction deal is transparent between parties.

Some transactions are restricted because of difference in geographical locations. Now, no need to worry, you can share anything at low transaction cost, regardless of any location.

There are so many sharing services, which are pretty hot in includes Transportation, Finance, Goods, software, accommodation, digital entertainment etc. It is a platform for such services. Like so many people want to share their Netflix accounts, now, they can easily share it with Wono tokens.

Overall operational and currency exchange fee is very nominal. Thus, it reduces travel, business and any other types of expenses.

How Wono Token works?

Wono is implemented in Blockchain technology especially on Ethereum network and interplanetary file system. Wono token is a utility based token on Er20 standard, used for transactions among community members.

It offers a safe and secure environment which is driven by the community. Anyone from the community can help each other to solve the disputes if any.

You can ensure deals and earn from it. The reviews, ratings, and feedbacks are transparent here.

Wono Token specifications

Token name- Wano
Wono price- .5 USD
Blockchain network- Eethereum
Wono Total supply- 79166667
Tokens available for sale- 47500000
Soft cap- 5000000 USD
Hard cap- 20000000 USD
Pre ICO- 11th Aug 2018
ICO- 3rd September

Wono token distribution process
Wono token is a utility based token which is having a total supply of 79.1 million, token supply is distributed as follows-

wono token distribution process
Team, advisors, and developers are all experienced, you can visit the website and check their LinkedIn profile to know more about the team.

Final Verdict– It is an experience of team, which is matter at the end of day. Moreover, support of community is also mandatory; here community is quite active, you can check telegram community from here- https://telegram.im/@wonoworld

Where to buy Wono Token?

You can now buy the Wono token easily but before that, I suggest you read the whitepaper.

Here is whitepaper for Wono Project- https://wono.io/assets/content/en/wp.pdf

You can buy wono tokens from here- https://wono.io/

I hope you love reading an article on Wono token review.

Kencoin KEN token Review- A Leading Adult cryptocurrency for entertainment

A new Kencoin KEN token is coming in the market which is promoting adult industry-specific cryptocurrency, the mission behind the token is to serve an anonymous currency for safe transactions in sex and dating related purchases.

Kencoin KEN token Review- Adult Industry specific Cryptocurrency

We know that how much important role sex plays in everyone life. Sex is as important as drinking or eating. We need privacy while opting for sex and dating activities. It is fulfilled with Kencoin KEN token, which is adult industry-specific token.

Kencoin kcn token review

Why Kencoin KEN Token is required in Adult Industry?

Users love privacy and luxury at the same time because data become an asset for companies for monetizing their business. Companies use your data and monetize on same. Take the example of giants players like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, what they are doing is fetching your personal data and making it public to build their own venture.

Many people hardly give any thought to their privacy and later it becomes a public threat sometimes. You might notice some cases of national security where vast government data become public due to lack of security. Even the government is spying on his individuals and it is becoming a harsh reality. The true hope of living a private life has been eliminated.

When it comes to sexual privacy, yes no one wants to reveal their sexual life. Everyone wants to safeguard their sexual life. I am now about people who love sex, almost all people love sex, most of these people use private incognito windows in browsers to avoid disclosing their personal information.

Some customers can visit websites to fulfill their fantasies; they opt out to signup/ payment process when a website asks for personal details. I have noticed a website- adultfriendfinder, where many of my friends used to drop out the signup process just not to disclose their personal information. This is not good for the website business.

This nervousness of disclosing their details on the sexual website is understandable from the consumer perspective because it may be going to create some problem for them in the future. People do not want to share their credit cards and Paypal details to website owners. Then how come website owners can make money out of it, if they are not get paid for the services.

Thus, the need for Kencoin is realized here where you can make sexual or adult related transactions in a safe, secure and more private manner, it safeguards your personal details.

Final Verdict- I believe, KNC token is genuinely solving a complex problem because it can be used for online adult entertainment, watching porn videos, live interactions, online dating, buying adult gadgets, adult reserved venues and to book professional escort services. I personally suggest this coin.

How Kencoin KEN Token is revolutionizing the Adult Industry?

Kencoin token is for the adult industry and it is transforming the industry both for merchants and consumers. It anonymously makes cryptocurrency transactions, which is more secure, safe and private, With just a single click Kencoin users can access the content they wish to see, without involving the risk to reveal their personal details.

Kencoin KCN token review

Gone are the days, when you are sharing your credit cards and debit cards on adult websites. Now, you do not need to worry to fulfill your sexual fantasies. It makes a pleasant user experience between merchants and consumers, where consumers without fear of losing their personal data can make trustworthy transactions.

Kencoin KEN token will be used as a payment system for dating and adult industry and solving the common problem of chargebacks( where transactions are irreversible). It lowers the overall operation cost as well. Adult industry should encourage the use of Kencoin because this token will create a wealth for industry big players. It is transforming the Adult industry making every transaction anonymous.

Kencoin marketing already started a collaboration with large networks of offline and online merchants. It receives positive feedback from all across the industry. The company is expecting a significant potential increase in volume because it is solving a complex problem of adult industry.

Kencoin KEN Token distribution

The company issued 1 Billion tokens, out of which 600 million goes to ICO investors, 200 million KNC tokens kept in reserve for websites and platforms and rest 200 million is reserved for team and advisors

Where to buy Kencoin KEN token?

You can preorder or buy Kencoin KEN ICO token online by visiting here – https://www.kencoin.org/

I hope you like reading this article on Kencoin KCN token review.