Have you seen a coin where you earn tokens by sharing your mapping data? Yes, you heard right. Coin is known as Mapcoin; it drives the maps and data using collaborated data provided by community. Thus, the community earns tokens by sharing mapping data.
MapCoin token review- Transforming the future of mapping technologies
It is expected that Mapcoin could offer 33 billion USD opportunities to manufacturers by 2025.
Mapcoin will automate the mapping data with much more accuracy than other maps. Here, the user is provided with rewards for sharing the data.
As we know that Data is the biggest asset for any company. It is data which laid the foundation of any company. So, we need data for autonomous vehicles and next-generation maps. If we have authorized data then only we can transform future using technologies such as artificial intelligence and Blockchain.
Why Mapcoin is better than existing Mapping solutions?
Mapcoin main purpose is to transform autonomous vehicles and providing high definition HD maps.
It makes use of artificial intelligence ( AI) to help cars, vehicles, and objects to make the best decision during the best course of action. The collected data will consist of images and video, which will process with AI technology for the better understanding of roads and driving environment.
Companies like Google try to gather data by sending cameras based vehicles and other sensors, which is a costly process. Map coin collects data in a much more feasible and cheaper way. It rewards tokens to users by sharing mapping and geographical data.
Users are using normal maps to navigate, which are not fully accurate. Current navigation mapping solutions provide accurate data of around 3 meters.
The autonomous vehicles require accurate data to position themselves for the best course of action. Objects, cars or vehicles need to locate and understand the road network with a better perspective. So, HD maps are required which are accurate with less than 20 cms.
At this point in time, companies are generating data for autonomous vehicles using old methods; Mapcoin is designed to collect data in a much more cheaper way with better accuracy.
Now coming to Mapcoin token, it is not just a platform which helps companies to scale their business but also a cryptocurrency, which gets rewarded to people for sharing their mapping data.
Final verdict- Mapcoin token is a good investment and comes in circulation supply with the passage of time. This is the easiest methods for people to earn mapcoin tokens.
How Mapcoin solution works?
Mapcoin is a project powered by Blockchain technology, it is a decentralized project with the fast and scalable platform.
The company is planning an application- Mapcoin solution which you can download and install it on a mobile device and uses the phone camera to collect mapping video data. All user needs to do is to mount the phone on a window of a car and start the app.
With the driving, the app will collect video recordings of the road and send it to mapcoin for further processing.
You can also read Mapcoin Whitepaper from here- https://mapcoin.io/documents/mapcoin-en.pdf
How to buy Mapcoin token?
In order to buy the Mapcoin token, you need to visit the company website- https://mapcoin.io/, company is accepting payments in ETH.
I hope you like reading an article on Mapcoin token review.
Bounty0x username- chirag24
This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x”.